sexta-feira, julho 17, 2009

BLP - best lovers for the present

My boss and his girlfriend broke up.... he was telling me:
"I guess I'm at a point in my life where I just thought... Is this the relationship with which I will sail of into sunset? Apparently it wasn't....
She moved out... and you know... the worst is... I never know on which side I'll wake up... will I have a good or a bad day?
Yesterday it was a good day, with a sad evening...
I need holidays...

And I know... He just wants to talk... he doesn't want to listen (not that I would have anything to tell him, mind you), so I use standard lines to cheer him up, like "It will get better!"...
and I truly hope it does, because we all need him back on his feet... fully pumped and ready to fight....

Also... I wonder about this generalized need to have someone with whom you would "sail off forever".... I know, given my long-term-relationship-record, i may not seem like the best person to talk about this.... but... what the fuck?!?!?.... How do you expect to know if the person you're in love in 2009, will be person you'll love in 2019?!?!?? Do you have a cristal ball to tell you that?!?!?!
For fucks sake even yourself will be a different person in 2019.... so why worry about having on your side the person you'll love forever in a unknown future, when you can love the person that is in fact with you in the present?

We may all die of swine flu in the near future, so this generalized obsession with finding "the right person" to love forever really makes no sense to me....

But, in the mean time, for his and our own good "let them have cake" … and let's all hope he finds someone he thinks he'll love forever... otherwise we may need to start adding some prosak+lithium to his morning tea!

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