quinta-feira, janeiro 28, 2010

Maybe I just have no imagination!!!

When 4 months ago I was about to turn 29, I spent nearly 10 hours trying to make a list of all the things I wanted to do before I turned 30 (I know about the 10h range, because I tried to do it in the flight between Washington and Frankfurt).

Had I managed to write up this list, i would have published it here.... but...
After many mini chocs, Baileys and Cake's full discography... my notebook was still empty!

There's nothing I wanted to do before 30 that I haven't yet done or... that I don't mind doing after I turn 30 (this applies specially to places I want to visit - mainly in Asia)...

So, reading this news, just made me think.... either I'm very boring or I'm too determined to do whatever I feel like doing when the desire to do it appears!!!

I want to believe that I'm the later... which in any case, shows how unimaginative I probably am, as I'd never want to do any of the stupid things featured in the show...

Or... it also shows that I'm confident that there's no age limit to do whatever you want! Nahhhh... most likely I'm just too boring

3 comentários:

noiseformind disse...

Carpe diem doesn't go very well with lists. I remember all the troubles I got into in my life and 99% of them had as a result something completly crazy happened. But it might work for other people.

The main problem is trying to live the moment but treat all moments as seconds and minutes. Every moment is energy. And if it is not used it will die...

But gota respect the kids though...

cdgabinete disse...

Os momentos e situações das quais eu guardo melhores memorias, foram coisas não planeadas.... oportunidades que apareceram e eu quis aproveitar... so... After the "list exercise" (nordic friends influence) i was actually happy with my white page...

noiseformind disse...

I still remember that time when I was mistaken by a terrorist when I was shooting rifles in the desert whith some friends and the Kwuaity army came and shot us from a helicopter. It was so much fun. One of us even died with emotion ( I guess the couple of rounds through his head also helped)

And it wasn't planned! Just a couple of drunk american oil prospectors and a portuguese having innovative out-of-the-box fun.

Be a daredevil, girl...