quinta-feira, junho 21, 2007

"Que o teu alimento seja o teu medicamento"

Acho fascinante a forma como as pessoas sentem que os seus parceiros(as) "cuidam" deles(as) através da preparação de refeições...

Claro que isto facilmente se percebe em ambiente de consulta, mas é muito mais interessante quando se nota fora das paredes de um gabinete....

A conversa foi mais ou menos assim...

"- So, how did you survived after yesterday?
- Well… I was completely drunk by 9 or so… but some friends came by our house and we went to the bar … by 11.30 I was literally running on alcohol… She took me home and @ that hour of the night decided to cook me/well us, dinner….
A delicious dinner that helped me to get 5 fantastic hours of sleep…
And this morning she got up @ 7am just to prepare my breakfast…. Again… I must admit… I don't know how she does it, but… any food or coffee she prepares is just delicious and it has this healing effect on me… that I really can't explain…
So, to answer your question… this was how I managed to survive through last night and how I coped to be here this morning… alive… functioning… as a kind of normal person…
- Good, that's great but listen… Don't fool yourself… there's no normality in using the words such as "you" and "normal person" in the same sentence….
- Hum... I see your point... Yeap… you're probably right too :o)"

1 comentário:

Anónimo disse...

Pela bocxa morre o peixe